
Byrne Asia strives for a better 2023,柏恩亚洲,为2023年继续拼搏

柏恩亚洲,是柏恩(Byrne Electrical Specialists)的亚洲分部。自2008年成立以来,我们一直致力于为客户提供高品质、高安全性和设计优良的办公电源产品和解决方案。柏恩美国成立于1971年,拥有53年设计和制造办公电源的经验,柏恩亚洲秉承柏恩一贯的设计创新和追求卓越的精神,为亚洲地区客户提供多种多国认证的模块化、定制化电源方案,为客户办公空间体验提升提供强劲动力。
我们的团队由一群热情、才华横溢的人组成,我们倾注全力打造最好的产品和服务,致力于为客户提供最优质的模块化和定制化解决方案。不断提升客户体验是我们的使命和责任。 2023年,经历三年疫情冲击的亚洲,经济已重新启动,我们将继续发挥我们的技术、产品和设计优势,为客户提供更好的办公电源产品和解决方案,为亚洲经济的繁荣做出更大的贡献。

Byrne Asia is the Asian branch of Byrne Electrical Specialists. Since its establishment in 2008, Byrne Asia has been committed to providing customers with high-quality, high-safety, and well-designed office power products and solutions. Byrne Electrical was established in 1971 and has 53 years of experience in designing and manufacturing office power products. Byrne Asia upholds Byrne's consistent spirit of design innovation and pursuit of excellence and provides modular and customized power solutions that are certified in multiple countries for Asia customers, contributing to the improvement of customer office space experience.
Our team consists of a group of passionate and talented individuals who are devoted to creating the best products and services, committed to providing customers with the highest quality modular and customized solutions. Improving customer experience is our mission and responsibility.
In 2023, after three years of covid19 pandemic, Asian economy has started to recover. We will continue to leverage our technological, product, and design advantages, and provide customers with better office power products and solutions, intending to contribute further to the prosperity of Asian economy.

广东省 惠州市 博罗县 龙溪街道 秋叶原路 28号,邮编:516121
